
Interactive Bar


Sofrydd Primary School

Helping your child learn from home

At Sofrydd Primary School we believe that your involvement is vital in helping your child to begin and continue on their learning journey. You can become more actively involved by talking to your child's class teacher about how to support their learning and development, this is not just in the home but in the outdoors and wider community. The links below will guide you, but please do not hesitate to speak to your child's teacher too.  All of the children have regular opportunities to share their experiences and this can also be shared through Class Dojo by posting photograph or message to help them share their learning experience with their peers. 



  • Spending time reading with your child for 10 minutes every day, makes a real difference.
  • Choose a variety reading material e.g. books, comics, annuals, leaflets etc.
  • Learners in Foundation Phase have a reading record so remember to write in their reading diary each time they read at home!
  • KS2 learners are awarded 5 dojos for each book they read and record on their homework records.


  • Talk about the stories and text, words and numbers that you see around you.
  • Encourage your child to talk about new vocabulary, characters and mathematical concepts such as how much, how big and how many.
  • Search for shapes and patterns in everyday objects and the world around you while you go on walks or to the shops.
  • Involve your child in everyday tasks that involve literacy and numeracy – cooking, playing or watching sports, paying for the shopping, planning a trip or playing a board game with the family or with friends.
  • Visit the wider community, use your local library where you’ll find a lot of information, support, computer access, and activities and events. Many museums and galleries are interactive offering lots of opportunities to talk.


There are several different stages that a child will go through as they begin to write and develop their skills.  Children will do this at their own pace and in their own time.  There are many opportunities to develop this skills in the home, encourage your child to write and design things for a range of different purposes such as shopping lists, invitations, thank-you letters, e-mails,  or ‘to do’ lists.  

Mathematics & Numeracy:

  • Look for opportunities in daily life to use numbers, whether it’s at the shops, talking about the rugby and football scores, looking up the times of favourite TV programmes in the TV guide or using the bus or train timetable to plan a trip.
  • Use a wide range of measuring skills when cooking or making crafts or DIY projects around the home.
  • Access the home/school linked maths resources through Abacus